Monday, February 18, 2013

Letting go

With now only weeks left before we leave, our continual stream of out of town guests has come to a close. My sister and brother-in- law left Friday, and with that they took our Basset hound Stanley to be their own. With a peace in my heart, and a lump in my throat, Stan, the man was now turning from a desert dog to a beach dog on the Oregon coast. Giving up things that are dear to your heart is so hard, but at times so needful. To be obedient to the call that God is placing on your heart no matter what it may be, is a sacrifice well pleasing to God. With us soon going to England, Stanley now has a great home!

In Matthew 19:29 states, " and everyone who has given up houses or brothers or sisters or fathers or mothers or children or property, for my sake, will receive a hundred fold and inherit eternal life." Well, Lord, I truly at this point have given up so much for you to serve in an unknown land. I am anxiously now waiting to see what you are going to do. As I know I serve a God who sees and cares, who knows ..... a critter may be waiting for me across the pond (LOL )!
Psalm 37:23 "The Lord directs the steps of the godly, he delights in every detail of their lives


  1. May the Lord continue to bless the preparations. The blog is great.

  2. It's a beautiful love story. Not just for Stanley, but for The Lord. How He uses dogs to give us hope, love and strength through Him. Yes, Stan is da man.

  3. So excited to see what God is going to do for you in England. Glad you found a good home for Stan. x
