Friday, December 21, 2018


These past few months have been almost a blur. Sorry for not being faithful in my writings by keeping you updated. But as I write this you will have a better understanding.

The end of September my husband Bob had a heart attack. Completely coming out of nowhere, it certainly was a life changer in our ministry here at Calvary Exeter.

Early morning on September 27th as he underwent surgery, I sat in the corridor of the hospital full of sadness, wonderment, and fear which fell upon me. Being all alone, my soul searched for comfort in God. 

As my heart cried out in panic and despair, I heard a still small voice saying, “Be still and know that I am God.” "I will give you the treasures of darkness” Isaiah 45:3. And that was the comfort in my affliction, Gods word, for it gave me life in that moment of my despair. In the many hours which lied ahead, His peace flooded my soul, even though I had no answers. Yet somehow I knew Bob would be ok.

As the weeks and now the months have gone by, it has been one of the hardest things we both have had to go through, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Days on end crying out, "Lord, what are we to do now? Are we to leave our missionary life in the land we love? Are you putting us on a shelf to not serve anymore here or anywhere for that matter?" 

In Psalm 71:9 I am reminded that David also felt the a similar way as he poured out his heart to the Lord in that time of unknowingness. He wrote, “Do not cast me off in the time of old age; do not forsake me when my strength fails”. 

This became our prayer as we waited on the Lord. We knew it was time for Bob to give over pastoring Exeter but is this it? We loved this land and the people, yet we wanted a clear direction in the Lord's calling. And God faithfully spoke to our hearts as He daily provided the strength and healing and direction that we both needed.

Friends came from near and far to visit. But one particular day, the Lord gave us the answer we were looking for through one particular couple. As the husband was speaking, Luke 22:31-32 was mentioned in a random context. But it clearly gave us an unusual sense that this was the answer we so desperately needed. 

It truly was the treasure in our darkness in the direction we now needed to go. This scripture pointed to the fact as Bob returned to full health, we should then strengthen the brethren over here. Our ministry would now be full time with Poimen, going out in the U.K. and Europe ministering and helping various churches ⛪ in whatever the need may be.

So, excited and happy to see what God had in mind, we rejoice with a thrill of hope this Christmas season and for the New Year ahead.

In closing, I would like to include a quote from J. R. Miller from my daily devotion which spoke to my heart. May it encourage, strengthen and comfort you as it did for me....

"In the famous lace shops of Brussels, there are special rooms devoted to the spinning of the world’s finest lace, all with the most delicate patterns. The rooms are kept completely dark, except for the light that falls directly on the developing pattern, from one very small window. Only one person sits in each small room, where the narrow rays of light fall upon the threads he is weaving, for lace is always more beautifully and delicately woven when the weaver himself is in the dark, with only his work in the light. 

Sometimes the darkness in our lives is worse, because we cannot even see the web we are weaving or understand what we are doing. Therefore we are unable to see any beauty or any possible good arising from our experience. Yet if we are faithful to forge ahead and “if we do not give up” (Gal. 6:9), someday we will know that the most exquisite work of our lives was done during those days when it was the darkest. If you seem to be living in deep darkness because God is working in strange and mysterious ways, do not be afraid. Simply go forward in faith and in love, never doubting Him. He is watching and will bring goodness and beauty from all of your pain and tears." J. R. Miller.

So, standing by my man, we march on with courage. Psalm 68:35 “the God of Israel is He who gives strength and power to His people.”

In His Love,

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Blog 41 - The Summertime of Beauty...from England

It’s been awhile since my last post, time seems to go by way too fast. With the students graduating, people coming and going on their holidays through our house, I now have been able to sit and rest for a few weeks til the hustle and bustle starts over again.

England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿received this past summer lots of sunshine and no rain. 😎 As a matter of fact it lasted for over a month of blazing heat. With no air conditioning, we would tend to take Emma our dog to the beach 🏖 to cool off. But we found out it was as hot there as well! But after Emma's sandy toes and salty kisses we were back home and found our hardwood floors the best solution for cooling off. Actually she quite hates the water 💦. Being grateful for a beach experience (always with ice cream), we still had fun meeting lots of holiday makers down on our beaches.

The surrounding landscape of the southwest though was another story. Instead of green and lush pastures for the sheep and cows to graze on, it looked like dry, barren land with nothing to offer. Upon seeing this I was reminded of how at times we can also become spiritually parched if we don’t drink from God's word on a daily basis. When this happens we really have little to offer to others.
But just as the rains have finally returned to England, and the land has again turned green, offering food for the flocks, so God's word truly brings life and refreshment to our souls. May we in turn bless others in this same way. “Oh taste and see the Lord is good”.

We had a sweet surprise visit from a couple of our friends from Calvary Chapel North Phoenix. Terri and Paula had been on a Scottish tour and came down to say hi. We took them on Dartmoor, went through charity stores and had a cuppa along the way. Truly this was such a blessing in those few days of fellowship.

Our church had BBQ this summer to take advantage of the heat. One was out in the country at the home of one of our leaders, and the other one was in our backyard (called a garden here). Great times of fellowship together!

We are now gearing up to welcome the University students in September. With our big outreach, “Uni-(re)Cycle” close at hand, we not only will be offering free donated items from past graduates, but also have an opportunity to preach the gospel and pass out invitation to our church to all who pass by 🤗.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. May God fill you and refresh you daily in His word and in prayer as you set out to walk in His ways.

Praise Reports:
-Continued good health
-New opportunities for Weekly Bible Studies
-Potential Ministry House purchase

Prayer requests:
-British leadership to help us in ministry
-University students to receive the gospel
-Girls' bible study/discipleship
-Evangelism opportunities
-Sunday school helpers
-Maintenance people for our church hall

In His Love, 


Friday, March 2, 2018


Today as I sit at my desk on March 1st, looking out, “the beast from the East” has approached the west here in Exeter. With unusual snow falling in blizzard-like conditions, it makes it look like a scene from Chronicles of Narnia. With the snow not expecting to go away for a few days, I will get in much reading 📖 and of course playing with Emma. Being her first time in the snow, she is like a child with a new toy.

The girls in the bible study have been so excited as we have been going through the book of Galatians. Lots of great discussion as hearts have been touched through God’s word.

Next week, March 4th, we will have been in England for 5 years. Our appointment for residency in Cardiff will be March 14th. As we came into this land, God has been faithful to minister to His people and make an impact on this land. Psalm 37:3 says “Trust in the Lord and do good, dwell in the land, and feed on his faithfulness. Delight yourselves in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart.” This scripture has been our guidance as we have dwelt among these British people. As we trusted, working for the good and feeding on God's word each and everyday, truly God has been faithful to meet our every need. He has blessed our hands and our hearts as we have ministered collectively as well as individuals who have come our way.
Psalm 90:17 says, “and let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the works of our hands.” 

We all are  instruments in His hands, and whether near or far, God wants to use us for His Glory. May He fill your hearts with this burning desire to minister and to continue to minister for the days are short.

In His love,

Prayer requests:
*** Renewed vision on the next years here in England
*** May the Lord draw all our 11 grandchildren closer to Himself
*** Reliable dog-sitter when we are away ministering in different locations

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Blog 39 - A New Year of New Beginnings

As I begin wrapping up our furlough here in the states, I can’t help but recall how God has been faithful to bless us, giving us rest, while renewing friendships old and new these past 4 weeks. We had a wonderful opportunity to be with our children and grandchildren for the Christmas holiday. We also went caroling in the neighborhood wearing masks of manger scene characters.

I had an opportunity to share a few times about all God is doing in the UK through our ministry, including a special Christmas message to the ladies at Calvary Chapel North Phoenix.


Our ladies' bible study in Exeter has been a blessing and growing, along with a new student giving her life to Jesus. 

Our Ladies' Christmas Tea 🍵 was held at Reed Hall in the University of Exeter. It was a real blessing with the theme "Christ’s Presence is our Present.”

2018 will be a year of transition for us. Isaiah 43:18-19 has not only ministered to my heart regarding courage and comfort, but also hope. It says, “Do not remember the former things, nor  insider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” How often the uncharted waters we face are scary, yet by faith, as we look to Jesus, He gives us the courage and hope to know the pathway we walk down always works His good purpose for us and for HIs glory.

In March we apply for our residency in England. Asking always for prayer that we might find favor in this land and get out of the work visa situation.

As we go home now back to England, we look forward to continual bible studies, worship and rejoining the fellowship among the brethren. Though the days in England are cloudy and dreary, there is much sunshine in our hearts over God's Word as we study together in this new year of 2018.
“This people I have formed for myself. They shall declare my praise.” Isaiah 43:21

Praise Report:
**Worship leaders
**Monthly times of evangelism at city center
**New students coming into our fellowship

Prayer Requests:
**More families with children
**Sunday school teachers
**Approval from city for energy efficient windows
**Laborer for putting down bathroom and kitchen tiles
