Saturday, February 21, 2015

Blog 27- Back to England - Back to Basics

Bob and I made it back into the UK. We are so blessed by all your prayers to once again be back in our home here in Exeter England. Door #1 has been opened; now we are pursuing Door #2. I am reminded of that Scripture found in Colossians 1:27 "To them Christ has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory." As He has chosen us to make known his gospel. We are so very grateful to be here. We continue to march forward ministering day by day to the people of this land knowing He is in control. We now go though with Door #2, having prepared all our documents, and the appointment to get our new visas. This will be the last step we need to get our 3 year visa for Britain.

Greeting us upon our arrival at our home were the daffodils in bloom in my front garden and 6 primroses on my front steps from a neighbor. All the brethren greeted us on Wednesday night with balloons and a card, so we truly were loved in all sorts of ways.

The weather has been off and on showers and sun -- typical beginning of springtime with all the lambs soon to be born. Up on the Moor, it's always likely you will find the new baby lambs nestled among the bushes eating along the side of the road with their mums. Such a wonderful site to see how God takes care of every creature, reminding me of how He faithfully takes care of His children each and every moment - such love! All He desires is for us to stay close to Him as He abundantly provides our every need.

The University students have been very busy. With exams now over, and a new semester started, the hustle and bustle has once again begun. Our students at Exeter Calvary have had great opportunities in serving this past week. They were invited to cook for, and to put on a skit for a large church here in the city. So, as the "great Asian Cook Off" took place with 400 spring rolls, Chinese dumplings, and mountains of rice that they made, the students did such a great job. They truly brought forth the joy of the Lord as they served together in harmony representing Calvary Chapel of Exeter. Their act of love was a witness for all to see. Both Bob and I were so blessed to see such servanthood! 

The discipleship I am doing with the Uni girls is going well. They now are reaching out to other students. This has been so exciting! Lots of hearts are being touched as God's Word is going forth. Our prayers are that we may be vessels for His glory as we share His love to others. One of the elders in the church also started an inductive bible study class which is going well; and Bob has begun a leadership class with some of the Uni students every other Thursday night.

Solomon's Porch is continually growing with some 25 students squeezing into our home. In celebration of Chinese Lunar New Year, our Asian students moved to the church to prepare a meal called "hot pot", with all sorts of goodies boiling in a pot to eat. With of course, chop sticks in hand, Bob and I had a great evening. He gave a short devotional from the Word and we had great worship. 

Springtime is around the corner, and our hearts are reminded daily of the new life we have in Christ. May we all continue to press on, letting our lights shine forth to what He may have for us each and everyday with joy in our hearts!
Psalm 63:7 Because you are my helper, I sing for joy beneath the shadow of your wings.

Prayer Requests:
-acceptance of our three year visas by UK Immigration
-health and strength to press on developing future British leaders
-new mid-week Bible studies in Devon and Cornwall this year
-my upcoming surgery to be put on the fast track
-opportunities to share the gospel