Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Blog 46 - A Season of Uncertainty...But a Time of Having an Eternal Perspective - Ps 27:13-14

Dear friends,
As I look out my windows this morning, a sense of peace and calmness floods my soul. With this virus, the world has literally stopped from their day in and day out processes of their lives. As Christians we know that God is in absolute control, and our hope is in Him. I have no idea what the future holds, but I do know Who holds the future. 

For the next couple of weeks both Bob and I have put ourselves on lockdown from most human contact. We are sort of confined to our home. With our age, and our underlying health issues, we felt we needed to do this. I thank God we have internet that we still can connect with our loved ones and with the church.

David writes in 1 Samuel 30:7 “but David strengthened himself in the Lord.” As there was much turbulence in the land at that time, David was in a kind of isolation, no support and no encouraging word. Times were tough, but David knew God was there, and he therefore turned to His Lord for that moment by moment encouragement he needed to be sustained. For us, praise God, we have internet, the church family that can call on us and the online church services to help us. But we must not forsake those one-on-one times of encouragement from the Lord to sustain us completely. In this intimate encouragement God promises us joy, contentment and even through a word given to us daily reminding us He is there. These are things the world certainly cannot offer.

The word tells us many promises of His love and protection for us. My favorite has been in Psalm 57:1. This was a prayer of safety from the enemy, and may it be ours too. It says, “Be merciful to me O God, be merciful to me! For my soul trusts in You and in the shadow of Your wings I will make my place of safety until this disasters passes.” Friends, under His wings lies our comfort, security, protection, peace and rest from all harm that we so need. 

Love this photo of the mama bird taking care of her young, so our Lord desires us to be right there under His wings. May we come, rest and see our Gods love, not loosing heart, as we wait in hope day by day for this disaster to pass. Remember, it’s only a season, let’s use this time wisely to draw close to Him and taste and see the Lord is good. For He truly wants to show His glory in this land, using us as a vessel for His glory.

In his love,
