Friday, September 1, 2017


What a busy summer we had here in England! With autumn approaching and the mornings bringing in the brisk air, it amazes me to think of the goodness of God. Truly he has brought forth a harvest of blessings in the Claycamp household here in Exeter.

July was a busy month for us. Thirteen of our church University students graduated from Exeter University. Although the celebrations went on for several days, the week of July 19th was the official week of caps and gowns. Molly, our intern from the last couple of years, came back to the UK for their celebration. The parents of the students also flew in from distant lands. We had the privilege of hosting a mum from Singapore πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡¬, which was so special. We spent each day on campus attending the ceremonies of each one. It truly was a bitter sweet time for us as we knew we wouldn’t be seeing them for a long time. 

We hosted a full-on American barbecue for the families during the week, being able to thank each parent for allowing the opportunity to instill great biblical principals into their child. The students will carry on these Biblical truths as they leave to go home. Our home seemed to resemble ‘every tribe, tongue and nation’ as they came through to say hi and good bye. We were left with great memories in our hearts.

The ladies in our church have gathered once a month during the summer over lunch and a small devotion. As most of our ladies live in the surrounding villages and beyond, it's a blessing to gather together for that sweet fellowship around the word. I am reminded in Hebrews 10:24, "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds". We will be doing a few outreaches within the community as the fall approaches, which always involves tea, coffee ☕️ and biscuits πŸͺ. 

I have been harvesting once again the abundant apple crop from my tree. What a blessing it has been to share with my neighbors, as it always opens doors of opportunity to be their friend. Making apple crumble, apple pies, baked apples and applesauce seems to be my daily routine. As I peel and sort, that scripture in Psalm 17:8  so refreshes my heart, “Keep me as the apple of thine eye, hide me under the shadow of thy wings.." What a comfort to know we are so loved and precious to our Lord, for we are the apple 🍎 of his eye as He keeps us, protects us from all harm.

Going to the Austrian mission conference was such a blessing. This year there were over 400 people in attendance, so it was a little bit of heaven on earth for a week. I had the opportunity to speak to the women on the subject of faith at one session. Being that it seems faith is my middle name, I spoke from my heart in all that God is doing and has done in my life since moving to England. Hebrews 11:1 says, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." This particular scripture spoke so much to my heart. I was able to share how we may not know the outcome as we step out in faith, but in holding God’ hand we can hope in knowing by faith He has the very best for us. He wants us to keep our eyes on him, rest and believe.

May the Lord continue to bless you and keep you strong in whatever comes your way. 
For by F.A.I.T.H. we can "Forsaking All I Trust Him", as He leads and guides us each and everyday. 
Again, thank you for your prayers for us. πŸ™

Praise report:
**New families coming into Exeter Calvary
**Hearts are drawing closer to Jesus

Prayer requests:
**Sunday school teachers/helpers
**Discipleship this autumn for ladies and students
**Evangelistic outreaches
**Worship leaders
**New students coming into Calvary


Jeanne ❤️🐾😎

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Blog 37 Springing into Summer Busy ministering within and without

As the springtime is now bursting into summer here in Devon, another school year for the Uni students is coming to a close. They had a retreat at a beautiful conference centre called Lee Abby. With 20 students attending and 3 baptisms at the beach, it was such a lovely time. Although most of them will be graduating in July, there will be bitter sweet tears as we say our goodbyes. To work and disciple these students for 3 years, seeing how they have grown in their relationship with Jesus, both Bob and I feel so blessed and privileged to be a part of His divine work in their lives. We are looking forward in the autumn πŸ‚ to welcoming new students as well as the continuing ones, ministering to them the love and good news of Jesus.

Summer is always a time for the English gardens to bloom in all sorts of unique and magnificent ways. It seems like wherever I go, the neighbourhood gardens portray their owner's 'master gardener' in such unique and special ways. It reminds me spiritually of how our Master Gardener, Jesus, loves to portray His beauty in each one of our lives. As we become yielded and still, His handywork becomes a beautiful fragrance for all to enjoy. Oh, may we long for more of Him in our lives each and everyday! I am reminded of that Scripture which says, "For we are His workmanship..." Ephesians 2:10  My neighbour helped me this year put in an English garden with no space to spare. As the Americans love to fill their wall space with many things, the English are the same way in their flower gardens.🌸 πŸŒΊ

We had an opportunity to go back to America in May to see our first born granddaughter graduate. What a joy! It only seems like yesterday when I was rocking her in my arms as a baby. She has turned out to be such a special girl and we are rejoicing with her as she now leaves for Bible school in the fall.

I also had the opportunity to take a few graduating students to Portugal πŸŒŠ✈️. With the flight only a couple of hours, the trip was very feasible. We not only relaxed in the sun, but had the opportunity to minister alongside the Calvary Chapel Lagoa doing their weekly outreach. We fed the homeless and also helped in their Sunday school.

Our ladies' "summer refresher" season has begun for the next few summer months starting out with a lunch at the Cozy Club Restaurant, a converted eye hospital. The ladies were blessed as the theme was on Joy. Truly each heart was filled with joy as we were filled not only with good food, but with food from God's word.

Traveling to Bristol, we had the opportunity to take friends who were visiting to George Muller's gravesite and also to John Wesley's New Room building. It was so inspiring to remember the dedication these two individuals had for the gospel. We walked away with a thankfulness in our heart for their dedication in the calling God had on their lives.

Our July will be busy. It's πŸ‘©‍πŸŽ“ graduation time for 10 of our students. We are hosting a barbecue for the parents to say "thank you" for allowing us these past 3 years to share in their kids. It will be a bitter/sweet time of saying goodbyes, but also knowing we have instilled in their hearts the principles of Christ they can hold on to forever and share with others who ever may come their way. Oh what joy to serve them in this special way!

May He fill you this summer with new, creative and exciting opportunities as you reach out and serve Him and His people. Psalm 44:10 "Oh, send out your light and your truth! Let them lead me.."

Prayer Requests:
Worship leaders
More labourers here in the Southwest, especially in Exeter
Ladies' bible study in September
Discipleship on returning students

Because of Him,

Monday, February 13, 2017


I am writing this as we are coming home from a 6 week time of refreshment in the States. We had several opportunities to minister, from California, to Colorado, and to Arizona. 

But the biggest blessing was being there at the wedding of our son, Christopher and his new bride, Carrie, and getting two more grandchildren, Autie and Tyler.  So now the Claycamp Clan equals 11 beautiful grandchildren. We are so blessed!

As I look out these train windows, being now on England soil, my heart rejoices in seeing a beautiful rainbow 🌈  amidst the green rolling hills. It reminds me and assures me that God's presence is continually with This gives a great comfort as Bob and I continue in the work he has called us to based in Exeter. Matthew 28:20 says, "Surely I am with you"; and what a joy and comfort to be able to see His hand in every step we take as we once again minister to this flock!

I will be starting up my ladies' Bible study once again. As we study the word together, my prayer is that we would be able to not only encourage one another,  but have those "Divine appointments" as He ministers to our hearts.

I also will continue in my discipleship with students, going through a time of prayer and teaching from the Word.

A big thank you to the Lord for all those saints who were a part in refreshing our souls while we were in the states. Words cannot explain how blessed we were. So with that in mind...
Isaiah 55:12 >>
"For you shall go out with joy
And be led out with peace; 
The mountains and the hills 
Shall break forth into singing before you, 
And all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. 

Watch out Exeter - here we come. We rejoice, for God has truly refreshed his saints.

Prayer Requests:
-Worship leaders
-Discipleship time to be fruitful for leadership
-Ladies' Bible study
-More Children's ministry workers

Because of Him,
Jeanne  🐾