Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Blog 29 - Taking the Very Next Step:  Steps of Joy and Faith

First, my apologies for letting it go so long without updating my blog. Seems time does fly when the Uni students arrive and start classes.

My restful routine of 'normal' throughout the summer (recuperating) quickly turned into a new normal. Upon arriving, the University students came to the "Uni-cycle" we set up. This was a free shop for items left to us from previous students. The new students used some of these items to set up their flats. Everything from blankets, duvets, pots and pans were soon gone, even 3 rice cookers. The Lord blessed as things which had the been collected over the summer found their new home for another school year. The Lord tells us to give with a cheerful heart, and it truly was a lesson for them in praying for things and seeing how God provides. For many of the students, as simple as this lesson was, they were blessed in seeing God's provision.

I have also started up the girl's discipleship again for the year. The Lord tells us in Matthew 28:19 to go and make disciples of all nations. So, with 6 girls to invest in (2 from Singapore, 3 from England, and 1 from Norway) the Lord has brought our communication together and blessed our time in his Word and our time of prayer. I am excited to see how God will develop His character as well as our friendship In this next year.  These girls are also being taught to disciple others in the faith.

We have an addition to our family. Yep, a puppy Bassett Hound named Emma. She is our princess of Exeter! Though it's been trial and error with the potty training (they call it toilet training here), and the biting of shoes and trouser legs, both Bob and I have grown to love her. And her actions at times are pictures of how God continually loves us in spite of our actions or attitudes. So, each day brings blessings in little ways, even if it's a small walk around the block. I can't wait to be able to have her join the "Basset Walkers" here in Devon, where she will meet all kinds of Bassets. But for now, we are content in the little things.

Our church rented a house right next door to the church. This is our 'ministry house', where staff live and minister to servant-teams coming into Exeter for a work week. It's 4 stories, 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and 2 kitchens. There is plenty of room. We are now holding our University ministry there on every other Friday night, called Solomon's Porch, as the numbers have gone up to almost 30 students. 

With various things going on within its doors, it has given us a great opportunity to be a continual light to the community. As we were praying, "Lord, let our lights shine for you", we believe God has truly opened this door. We are so grateful each month as we have seen Him provide above and beyond, from bedding, furniture, to complete kitchen accessories, all for His glory. It reminds me of that Scripture found In Matthew 6:33"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

We are excited to see what God is going to do here in the Southwest of England, as we faithfully serve and seek Him each and every day. This week we are hosting a team from the Calvary Chapel Bible College in Hungary. As we work, paint, and fellowship in God's word, it has truly been a blessing.

We started a crèche, or baby nursery, in our church. We built  it out of old doors and left over wood. It turned out to be such a blessing. I have the opportunity to decorate it and run it for which I am excited. We are praying God would fill it up with babies of new families, using it as an opportunity to reach out to more families in the community.

I am having a ladies' retreat soon. It's been a while coming, but we found a place that is suitable, away from the city. I'm very excited to see hearts drawn to come and sit at the Lord's feet. The theme this year will be "Walk by faith not by sight". Another church here in Exeter will be joining us for this retreat as well as our outreach church in Plymouth.

Well, autumn is in the air here in sunny Devon. Waking up to fog, crisp air, and sometimes rain as the leaves are turning rapidly--it is a great formula for the beauty of the Lord to be seen in this land. As we enjoy this time of year, may we always remember how God looks at His children and the beauty He sees in each one of us. Psalm 45:11 states "The king is enthralled by your beauty honor him, for he is your lord.

God bless you as you now begin this crazy but blessed holiday season. We thank you so very much for your prayers, friendship and support. They have sustained us down this journey.

Blessings of joy,

-Clean bill of health for me
-God's provision for our visas
-Emma, our new puppy

Prayer Requests:
-Furlough, December 14 - January 21: we need a place to stay and transportation
-Women's Retreat, November 20-21st
-Discipleship of women, young and old