Friday, June 19, 2015

Lessons in Peaceful Learning

As I sit here listening to the birds sing, I can't help but reflect upon God's faithfulness to me over these past few months. There is a much loved hymn that goes:  "When peace like a river attendeth my way, when sorrows like sea billows roll; whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, 'It is well, it is well with my soul.'"

Truly these past few months have been filled with bitter/sweet times, but God's peace has been my anchor to hold onto with joy. Finding those circumstances that seem to roll in and out and having no control when I am not! God's faithfulness and assurance always remind me He is 100% in control and "it is well, it is well with my soul". The Lord is always there as I am reminded of that scripture in Psalms 138:8:  "the Lord will perfect that which concerns me...". I need not worry or fret, but just keep my eyes on Him, enjoying peace in His presence. Isaiah 26:3, "You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in you."

Let me recap some of the events that have taken place over these past few months...

The fellowships of Calvary Exeter and Wotter Community Church are growing. I had a ladies' summer refresher at Calvary Exeter a few weeks ago and one of our master program students shared from the Word. It was a great blessing as we gathered for prayer and fellowship. The next refresher will be a high tea out at the sea coast town of Dawlish Warren in July. These events give a great opportunity for the ladies to come together for fellowship centred around his Word.

We had a water baptism with students dedicating their lives and getting dunked into the sea before they headed back home for the summer. It was a very blustery day, but the skies parted with sunshine for a short while as we managed to carry on. With 30 of us watching, it was so exciting to be able to do this.

The students have left now for the summer. As I envisioned a mother bird having her children leave the nest one at a time, some coming back but some leaving forever (including our two interns), it was quite an emotional week for me. As we continually said our goodbyes (being so sad in our hearts to see them leave) we also rejoiced in seeing how much they have grown spiritually over this past year. 

One of our students converted from a Moslem background, and another converted from a New Age background. They went back home with Bibles in their hands, hope in their hearts and knowing the truths instilled in their lives to serve Jesus in their homeland. Actually many of the students desired to find a new church when they got home that shared the Word like "Pastor Bob." And that was our prayer all year long that their eyes would be opened and their hearts stirred to hunger after God word!

My surgery date has now been set for July 9th and it is finally approaching. Bob, though, had already planned to be in the States during this time to attend the Pastor's Conference. So 'me and Jesus' are soloing this, with the help of a few ladies from the church. When I first read the date, I found that I could not ask for a later date as I have been waiting now for almost 10 months. A flood of emotions swept over me thinking, "Why God would you allow me to have surgery in a foreign land without my husband by my side?" But God ministered to me by His Spirit, "Why not? I want to show My comfort, and My glory through this time." Again, there will be friends by my side and the church will be there also, so as the Scriptures state, "March on my soul with courage" and with courage I am finally getting this done.

Sometimes our "lot" in life varies from season to season, but we must look to Him finding His peace, for He truly is the author and finisher of our faith. We, therefore can walk in confidence and assurance that He is safely taking us through, no matter what our circumstances hold. I pray whatever your "lot" may be at this moment, may also you find his peace, contentment and rest, thus saying also, "it is well, it is well with my soul".
Proverbs 3:5 " Trust in the Lord with all your heart..."

Serving the Lord with Joy,


Prayer Requests:-My Surgery on July 9th
-Wisdom for students coming in September for the 2015-2016 term
-Discipleship among the students and ladies in the fellowships