Saturday, November 30, 2013

Seasons come and Seasons go - gearing up for change


It truly has been the season for change in my life this past month here in England. Some changes good, some changes challenging, but all in all, God has been faithful. I am reminded of that scripture found in Isaiah 33:6 "For He shall be the stability of your days...". The word stability means the state of being stable, not wavering. So as I clung onto his hand walking through uncharted territory at times, He was faithful to see me through, allowing my security to be in Him and Him only. One of the uncharted territories I encountered this past month was passing my British drivers test. Questions would continually arise in my heart as I practiced for the "big test" like, "can I really pass this Lord?" But He was always faithful to remind me that He would be my strength to see me through.  I also was reminded of a quote I heard that said, "Never put a question mark where God has put a period." So, as hard as it was, through persevering, trusting in The Lord and your prayers I did pass! It truly was a rejoicing time, for not many have ever passed the first time- Now I am one of those British drivers who drive on the correct side of the road, and can officially say I am working on becoming 1/2 British!

In review of last month, both fellowships are growing in God's Word and being discipled. In our Wotter fellowship, people are coming for fellowship and the Word throughout the several surrounding villages and towns. What a blessing to see this little community come alive with Christ's love being extended through those doors! We are planning an annual Christmas Carole Service for the community to attend with free mince pies and tea for fellowship afterwards.
In Exeter, the fellowship is so sweet and our arms have been extended through several new families attending as far as 60 minutes away. The people are hungry to hear God's Word, and it's so refreshing.

As I am sitting here writing while riding the train today, it amazes me to see that the countryside is also changing. With the leaves now falling, along with the temperatures, it tells of winter coming soon at hand. Even the people are dressing up to fight this windy cold in their British attire of long coats, wool scarves, hats (of course in Britain), wooly socks and fur boots--signs that show the soon expectation of falling snow here in this land of England. Now being that I am from a warm climate, my body has really had to adjust to the sudden drop in temperatures.

With the Christmas season approaching, England has turned into an "old English Christmas" with carolers on every street corner singing the great Christmas carols as you walk by. Such a simple but refreshing site for me to behold, as I find, ladies, that the stores are open until 10 pm only on Thursday nights for the "late nite shopping"! And as the sheep are nestled in the fields with their wool coats on too, the scenery seems to reveal such a simple place of peace and tranquility to my soul. It has been such a blessing to become simple as I have lived here now in England almost 9 months.

As I reflect back over this month of thanksgiving, that word 'simplicity' seems to echo throughout my heart. Although the Brits don't celebrate the actual thanksgiving day, the Christians here are ever thankful for the simplicity of the Gospel that has set them free. We are planning on doing an official thanksgiving meal for our fellowship with turkey and all the trimmings. Things such as pumpkin pies, candied yams will be all new to them, so should be lots of fun with an evening of thanks and praises to our Lord.

(Psalm 105:1-6) "Give thanks to The Lord and proclaim His greatness. Let the whole world know what He has done. Sing to Him; yes, sing His praises.  Tell everyone about his wonderful deeds. Exalt in His holy name; rejoice, you who worship The Lord. Search for The Lord and for His strength; continually seek Him. Remember the wonders he has performed, his miracles and the rulings He has given, you...His chosen ones."

May each of us take the time to remember His goodness as we gear up for the beginning of a new season with the holidays approaching. May we return to the simplicity of the Lord's greatness -for truly He is the reason for the Season. Blessings...

Prayer Request:

-Safe travels to America on furlough for 5 weeks
-wisdom to minister to pastors and wives both in the UK and elsewhere
-Ongoing discipleship
-Outreach in and throughout the city and villages