Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The pilgrims heart


In May of 2012 we sold our home and set out on a 4 month journey across the pond to England, Europe, and South Africa, putting the few things we had in storage. All the more, the Lord was continually comforting and reminding us "…for the eternal God is your home." Psalm 90:1- ‘I have a plan for you’...So we set out with a song on our lips and a scripture on our hearts, Psalm 84:5 " …my heart is set on pilgrimage"- desiring to serve the Lord in all that came our way.  Spending the first two months in Exeter, England, we soon found ourselves thrown into the culture but lovin every minute as we ministered to the people in this beautiful, quaint English town. Then off to parts of Europe and finishing in South Africa. Truly God was amazing as we proclaimed his goodness throughout the world.
Psalm 105:1-6.
A time of waiting

Upon returning to the states, after 4 months of ministering, we felt so unsettled…a restlessness within our souls.  Getting up one morning, the Lord spoke to my heart, “Jeanne, rest in Me for I am about to do a work.”  Resting, waiting for the Lord to act - easy to say but so hard to do.  Psalm 37:7 "Be still in the presence of the Lord and wait patiently for Him to act." To be still and wait means just that, but having an attitude of anticipation, allowing God to have complete control in His time.

It seems though, as many times I have had to wait on the Lord, each time is hard, as He uses this to build His character into my life, desiring to be glorified.  But I always am reminded that my heart is being strengthened as I wait.  Isaiah 40:39 says, "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall run and not grow weary, they shall walk and not faint."  So I wait.   And in His timing He will tell me where to go, what to say and what to do...