Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Changing Seasons - Branching out for fruit

Cockington Village
These past months have truly begun a season of new beginnings for us. With summer coming, the hussle and bussle of the Uni students are coming to an end here in Exeter as they have finished another year of school. Our fellowship had a send off prayer for them, and it was such a blessing to see how the friendships had developed among the brethren. Some of our students have graduated, some are going abroad, and then some will be back with the new "freshers" (freshmen) coming in. Saying goodbye is always bitter/sweet, yet it's a blessing knowing they are rooted and grounded in God's Word. A scripture found in Philippians 1:3-7 speaks so clearly from our hearts -
" Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God. Whenever I pray, I make my requests for all of you with joy, for you have been my partners in spreading the Good News about Christ from the time you first heard it until now. And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue His work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. So it is right that I should feel as I do about all of you, for you have a special place in my heart, for together we have shared the blessings of God."
Solomon's Porch Uni Students

Bob and I have become like their "spiritual parents" in a way. We are sooo blessed to have offered cuddles, a meal, and prayer each week during their time here in Exeter. The sweet fellowship we have had will always hold a special place in our hearts, and we are anticipating more kids in September when they return.
Saying goodbye

We have started a mid week Bible study in Plymouth, about 40 miles away. It's an excitement to see the brethren coming together to hear the Word of God.  In this land we find a great need for sound Biblical teaching. The believers are hungry and rarely have the opportunity to go verse by verse and study God's Word. It's exciting to see their joy as they learn, always reminding me of that scripture found in Psalm 119:103 "How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth." And with that, also I am beginning to disciple young girls in the fellowship once a week. Ohh to see them grow is such a joy for me, leaving their old ways behind and now committing "wholly to follow the Lord" in all their ways.

Plymouth Study...15 people!
As an update, the radio program, "The Surrendered Heart" was rated the top listening program as of last week, so that was a real blessing. It continues to be broadcast daily as Bob is currently going through the book of Joshua. You can hear it at UK time: 7:30 am (11:30 pm Pacific Standard time) and UK time: 9:00 pm (1:00 pm Pacific Standard time) at www.calvarychapelradio.co.uk

God has opened a door for me to "learn to drive" in this land. Instead of driving Miss Jeanne here and there, I will be able to have some independence myself to just go! This is a BIG change for me as everything is complete opposite than my driving in the states. But with God nothing is impossible and He will give me courage to tackle this mountain, though  I may take out a few hedges along the way! So with my instructor in the car, a big "L" on my bonnet (hood) and boot (trunk), look out Britain here I come!
Driving Miss Jeanne

Last, but not least, Bob and I have decided to take Mondays off and go explore this beautiful land of England God gave us. We have called it "Monday Memories" where we have been able to go to such places as John Wesley's chapel, George Muller's gravesite, the Moors, and many National Trust sites which are throughout this land. It's been such a blessing to wander through, explore and breathe in the culture. So each Monday morning we put the crockpot on, and an excitement in our hearts to head out into the wild blue yonder. Who knows what God would have us see as He declares everywhere His Glory.
John Wesley's 'New Room' in Bristol
George Muller's gravesite

Prayer Requests:
New location of the church by September near the University
Ongoing discipleship
Safety in driving and to learn quickly with confidence
Women's brunches throughout summer
Plymouth outreach
By the sea at Lynton