Thursday, August 23, 2018

Blog 41 - The Summertime of Beauty...from England

It’s been awhile since my last post, time seems to go by way too fast. With the students graduating, people coming and going on their holidays through our house, I now have been able to sit and rest for a few weeks til the hustle and bustle starts over again.

England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿received this past summer lots of sunshine and no rain. 😎 As a matter of fact it lasted for over a month of blazing heat. With no air conditioning, we would tend to take Emma our dog to the beach 🏖 to cool off. But we found out it was as hot there as well! But after Emma's sandy toes and salty kisses we were back home and found our hardwood floors the best solution for cooling off. Actually she quite hates the water 💦. Being grateful for a beach experience (always with ice cream), we still had fun meeting lots of holiday makers down on our beaches.

The surrounding landscape of the southwest though was another story. Instead of green and lush pastures for the sheep and cows to graze on, it looked like dry, barren land with nothing to offer. Upon seeing this I was reminded of how at times we can also become spiritually parched if we don’t drink from God's word on a daily basis. When this happens we really have little to offer to others.
But just as the rains have finally returned to England, and the land has again turned green, offering food for the flocks, so God's word truly brings life and refreshment to our souls. May we in turn bless others in this same way. “Oh taste and see the Lord is good”.

We had a sweet surprise visit from a couple of our friends from Calvary Chapel North Phoenix. Terri and Paula had been on a Scottish tour and came down to say hi. We took them on Dartmoor, went through charity stores and had a cuppa along the way. Truly this was such a blessing in those few days of fellowship.

Our church had BBQ this summer to take advantage of the heat. One was out in the country at the home of one of our leaders, and the other one was in our backyard (called a garden here). Great times of fellowship together!

We are now gearing up to welcome the University students in September. With our big outreach, “Uni-(re)Cycle” close at hand, we not only will be offering free donated items from past graduates, but also have an opportunity to preach the gospel and pass out invitation to our church to all who pass by 🤗.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. May God fill you and refresh you daily in His word and in prayer as you set out to walk in His ways.

Praise Reports:
-Continued good health
-New opportunities for Weekly Bible Studies
-Potential Ministry House purchase

Prayer requests:
-British leadership to help us in ministry
-University students to receive the gospel
-Girls' bible study/discipleship
-Evangelism opportunities
-Sunday school helpers
-Maintenance people for our church hall

In His Love, 
