Friday, March 2, 2018


Today as I sit at my desk on March 1st, looking out, “the beast from the East” has approached the west here in Exeter. With unusual snow falling in blizzard-like conditions, it makes it look like a scene from Chronicles of Narnia. With the snow not expecting to go away for a few days, I will get in much reading ๐Ÿ“– and of course playing with Emma. Being her first time in the snow, she is like a child with a new toy.

The girls in the bible study have been so excited as we have been going through the book of Galatians. Lots of great discussion as hearts have been touched through God’s word.

Next week, March 4th, we will have been in England for 5 years. Our appointment for residency in Cardiff will be March 14th. As we came into this land, God has been faithful to minister to His people and make an impact on this land. Psalm 37:3 says “Trust in the Lord and do good, dwell in the land, and feed on his faithfulness. Delight yourselves in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart.” This scripture has been our guidance as we have dwelt among these British people. As we trusted, working for the good and feeding on God's word each and everyday, truly God has been faithful to meet our every need. He has blessed our hands and our hearts as we have ministered collectively as well as individuals who have come our way.
Psalm 90:17 says, “and let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the works of our hands.” 

We all are  instruments in His hands, and whether near or far, God wants to use us for His Glory. May He fill your hearts with this burning desire to minister and to continue to minister for the days are short.

In His love,

Prayer requests:
*** Renewed vision on the next years here in England
*** May the Lord draw all our 11 grandchildren closer to Himself
*** Reliable dog-sitter when we are away ministering in different locations

1 comment:

  1. Oh dearest friend Jeanne,
    How I wish I were there with you sipping coffee and trying to stay warm together. I sit in Calif watching the funeral of Rev Billy Graham. thanking God for His life and ministry. Remembering back to when I lived in England and had the opportunity to serve as part of His LIFE outreach first live linked crusades in London. You are right, we are each doing our part to make Him known to this world that yet lies in darkness apart from Christ. Happy Anniversary! I can't believe it has been 5 years already. I am praying for your residency appointment on the 14th and know that the LORD goes before you in all things, and HE has made you fruitful in every good word and work. I pray His continual blessings, equipping and strength for all that lays ahead. I love you Jeanne ( and Pastor Bob). Can't wait till we are together again; Here, there or in the air. Love and kisses in Christ Jesus our great God and KING.
