Friday, September 2, 2016


Tomorrow is the beginning of autumn, the ending of summer in this land of England. Time has flown by since I last wrote, and God has been and is continually faithful to meet us each and everyday.

Part of our ministry here in England is to come alongside other small churches in the UK and Europe and encourage them. We had opportunity this month to go to Belgium. A young pastor and his wife (Will and Abby Hoc) was helping an existing church on the coast of Belgium transition to join the Calvary Chapel group of churches.  We got a chance to spend time praying and serving in that church alongside them a few Sundays ago. What a joy to see the people's hearts open to the gospel message. As Brussels is only 2 hours by train from London, Bob and I ventured out and took the Chunnel over there. This is a train that goes under the English Channel for 30 minutes...incredible!

I had a beautiful garden this summer through which I had made many new friends in my neighborhood. The two little spinster ladies who live down the street love to smell my roses as they walk by to the market daily. Since I am the only "American" and the only one who has roses in the front garden on this street, lots of conversations have been coming forth as they stop and talk, being curious of why are we here in England. They call it "chin-wagging."

The village Bible study will soon be starting up along with other women in our fellowship. We will be studying "Women of the Old Testament" and how their lives are applicable to ours today. It's been such a joy to study and pray weekly. And although summertime has been a good rest, we all are excited to come together once again as friends.

We've had several opportunities to have marrieds, singles and neighbors over this summer. Such a joy to serve them. One couple we visited lives out in the beautiful Devon countryside. We took Emma Lou, our 14 month old Bassett Hound, out to play with their two dogs. She had so much fun running and even rolling in fox poo, to make the day even better...for her. By the end of the day playing, she had such an odor we had to bath her before returning home with this special fox poo shampoo they have here. Oh the life of a dog I must say!

All in all, summertime has been good for us here in England. My apple tree is busting forth with these beautiful apples soon to be harvested. As I go out each day, spying out these apples nestled underneath the protection of the leaves, I am often reminded of Psalms 17:8 "Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings." As that apple simply grows to full maturity, hiding within the shelter of that tree, may we also be reminded to come under His wings and find shelter from those daily storms of life.

In His Love,

Prayer requests:
Church ministry helpers
Opportunities to reach out to neighbours
Wisdom for ladies' Bible study this fall term
Wisdom for discipleship within the church

Praise Reports:
Village bible study - genuine friendships have developed in those ladies, hungering for God's word
Opportunities to encourage other smaller churches

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