Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Blog 28 - A Summer of Rest- "Be still and know that I am God" Psalm 27:10

My front garden
Truly it is a season of beauty here in England. With everyone's flower gardens now in full bloom, trees bearing much fruit, there is much color spread throughout the land that is absolutely beautiful. Seasons do come and go, as Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, and so we must enjoy whatever season we find ourselves in.

For me this summer has been a time of rest. So sorry for my late blog that should have been out a month ago. I had my surgery, with all going well in the hospital. It was a rather funny but educational process for this American. One example being (as I share with all my American friends reading), as I was taken back to change into my "surgical gown" for surgery, they kept asking me did I bring my "dressing gown"? Of course not I said,  I thought they were provided, thinking it was the surgical gown you would get for surgery. Well "dressing gown" to them meant bathrobe! We got it all sorted out and I proceeded to sit out in the waiting room for 2 more hours with their "surgical gown" and my small sweeter on until they called me into surgery. As I walked those 3 flights of stairs and going into the "theatre room" (surgical room), the Lord's peace was upon my heart. Waking up after 3 hours to see my close friends at hand, and hearing the seagulls out side, it truly was sweet music to my ears and soul, thanking the Lord for being so very near. They took out a 'cannon ball' of a large, hard fibroid tumour along with everything else, stretching my muscles through my belly-button to beyond capacity. I felt I had  a C-section,giving birth to Freddie the Fibroid!

As I was sent home, I was strictly advised no activity for 6 weeks! Now, being a "doer" that I am, I really needed God to be strong on my behalf. With the help of many close friends, a wonderful husband, and much prayer, I am recuperating just fine. 

This reminds me of Stella!
But during this time as I rested each and everyday, God taught me so many things about His character - "to be still and to know that He is God." With several books to read, bible studies to dig into, prayer lists to pray for, and seemingly endless time, I soon learned my daily routine of seeking Him. Isaiah 30:16 says, "In quietness and confidence shall be your strength". I knew as I was quiet, and being obedient, the Lord continually gave me His confidence and His strength in this healing process of my body to see me through. What a joy as He met me in my time of this mandatory rest.

Ahhh, a proper cup of tea!
My sister and brother-in-law from Oregon came for a visit, inviting Bob and I to go on a narrow boat trip with them down the Llangollen canal in Northern Wales. My job was to sit and take photos! It was a great but hard week, as they worked constantly manoeuvring this boat down the canal. We saw beautiful country, taking in endless tunnels, 4 locks and 8 lift bridges, going over 4 Aqueducts during our 55 mile journey. We met quite a few interesting people along the way. At the end of our journey, we were exhausted, but still talking and carrying back home many memories to share.

Chirk Aquaduct
Our boat LILY
Watching for oncoming boats
Pontcysylite Aquaduct
As I look back, I am reminded of one thing: God is faithful no matter what our circumstances may hold. Everything that comes our way is for a season, and lessons to be learned. But aren't we glad we serve an unchanging God who carries us through whatever comes our way? For this we truly can say, "in everything give thanks".

Blessings and Joy,

Prayers Requests:
**Continued healing
**Wisdom on discipleship
**Wisdom on Uni students arriving in mid September


  1. Thanks Jeanne for all the news, especially regarding your surgery... I was praying for you as I know many others were also. I love you and thank God for you. I am so proud of you, being an obedient child and sitting quietly at His feet. I knew HE would meet you there and attend to your soul... IT is well with us, when we sit with Him in quiet and rest, relying on His steadfast love and manifold mercy and grace. Blessings dear sister/friend, I praise the LORD for you and pray His continual strength, provision and leading... HE has made you to bless many others with the sweetness of His love and anointing. xoxox hugs and kisses, hug Bob for us to.. We are great, too busy, but good. Taking some time away, going to Colorado, may see Micah at Church on Sept 6... :) Love you, Jeanne

  2. Thank you, Jeanne, for the pics and words!! "Freddie the Fibroid"??? You are way toooooo funny!!! :p Yes, I love your "hound in the hammock"; so like you!!! Seeing all the countryside and your garden from the kitchen window makes me homesick for Exeter. Lots of hugs, Jan
