Thursday, July 11, 2013

"Company's A Coming" - a servant's heart to serve


Romans 12:13 states, "Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality." And indeed we are, we are soo excited to be able to share our home and our hearts this summer for our friends passing by. Upon arriving in Exeter, God had placed upon our hearts to find a home big enough with a guest room to be able to accommodate fellow believers passing through. We called this room "The Elisha Room" taken from 1 Kings.

So far, with our dear friends the Tessitores, to friends passing through on their way to other places through August, I have gotten my hospitality skills in order.

Soon after moving here to England, cooking has been a challenge, as homemade meals are always a must! But God has been good to bring me those sweet English sisters to teach me the routine of the cooking scale, the different types of flour to use and the different types of sugar. The Lord truly sees our needs!

In Proverbs 27:17 it states, " As iron sharpeneth iron, so one man sharpens the countenance of his friend." J. Vernon McGee says, " It is a wonderful thing to have a friend with whom you can sharpen your mind. You can discuss certain things with him with real profit. I always came away refreshed and strengthened, and I always had learned something. It is wonderful to have a friend like that." And that is my prayer, that the weary travellers passing through would be refreshed and strengthened not only physically but spiritually as well.

So as I put my apron on and serve, I find the fellowship sweet, the meals are full of variety, but most of all, the hearts are blessed as we show the love of Jesus in this beautiful land of "Sunny Devon"!

As an update, we had an opportunity to travel up to the York Pastors/leaders conference.  Both Bob and I had an opportunity to minister throughout the week, and hearts were touched and we were so blessed! We came away not only meeting new missionary friends who also serve throughout this land, but reunited with old friends we have been praying for. Truly Psalm 133:1 says it all, " How good and pleasant it is when brethren live together in unity."

I just received my "provisional" license for Britain in the mail, so now I must file my good ole USA driving license away. I will start driving next week with an instructor on these British roads. This will be something to write home about, but know God is with me. Of course as I get behind the wheel, I will request to pray before we start each time, and who knows...God may use this opportunity to bring my instructor to salvation! "For God has brought me to this place for such a time as this", so with courage I step out to explore the highways and byways of this land. Who knows where I will end up?


Thank you all for praying for us. The Lord is continuing to do amazing things each and everyday in and throughout our lives as we serve an awesome God!

Prayer Requests:

New location of the church by September near the University
Ongoing discipleship
Safety in driving and to learn quickly with confidence
Women's brunches throughout summer
Future ministry training school
Plymouth outreach


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