Thursday, June 29, 2017

Blog 37 Springing into Summer Busy ministering within and without

As the springtime is now bursting into summer here in Devon, another school year for the Uni students is coming to a close. They had a retreat at a beautiful conference centre called Lee Abby. With 20 students attending and 3 baptisms at the beach, it was such a lovely time. Although most of them will be graduating in July, there will be bitter sweet tears as we say our goodbyes. To work and disciple these students for 3 years, seeing how they have grown in their relationship with Jesus, both Bob and I feel so blessed and privileged to be a part of His divine work in their lives. We are looking forward in the autumn πŸ‚ to welcoming new students as well as the continuing ones, ministering to them the love and good news of Jesus.

Summer is always a time for the English gardens to bloom in all sorts of unique and magnificent ways. It seems like wherever I go, the neighbourhood gardens portray their owner's 'master gardener' in such unique and special ways. It reminds me spiritually of how our Master Gardener, Jesus, loves to portray His beauty in each one of our lives. As we become yielded and still, His handywork becomes a beautiful fragrance for all to enjoy. Oh, may we long for more of Him in our lives each and everyday! I am reminded of that Scripture which says, "For we are His workmanship..." Ephesians 2:10  My neighbour helped me this year put in an English garden with no space to spare. As the Americans love to fill their wall space with many things, the English are the same way in their flower gardens.🌸 πŸŒΊ

We had an opportunity to go back to America in May to see our first born granddaughter graduate. What a joy! It only seems like yesterday when I was rocking her in my arms as a baby. She has turned out to be such a special girl and we are rejoicing with her as she now leaves for Bible school in the fall.

I also had the opportunity to take a few graduating students to Portugal πŸŒŠ✈️. With the flight only a couple of hours, the trip was very feasible. We not only relaxed in the sun, but had the opportunity to minister alongside the Calvary Chapel Lagoa doing their weekly outreach. We fed the homeless and also helped in their Sunday school.

Our ladies' "summer refresher" season has begun for the next few summer months starting out with a lunch at the Cozy Club Restaurant, a converted eye hospital. The ladies were blessed as the theme was on Joy. Truly each heart was filled with joy as we were filled not only with good food, but with food from God's word.

Traveling to Bristol, we had the opportunity to take friends who were visiting to George Muller's gravesite and also to John Wesley's New Room building. It was so inspiring to remember the dedication these two individuals had for the gospel. We walked away with a thankfulness in our heart for their dedication in the calling God had on their lives.

Our July will be busy. It's πŸ‘©‍πŸŽ“ graduation time for 10 of our students. We are hosting a barbecue for the parents to say "thank you" for allowing us these past 3 years to share in their kids. It will be a bitter/sweet time of saying goodbyes, but also knowing we have instilled in their hearts the principles of Christ they can hold on to forever and share with others who ever may come their way. Oh what joy to serve them in this special way!

May He fill you this summer with new, creative and exciting opportunities as you reach out and serve Him and His people. Psalm 44:10 "Oh, send out your light and your truth! Let them lead me.."

Prayer Requests:
Worship leaders
More labourers here in the Southwest, especially in Exeter
Ladies' bible study in September
Discipleship on returning students

Because of Him,


  1. absolutely brilliant. love hearing of your work in England ! (and, we also love love the gardens)

  2. Linda Wortman posted your blog on Facebook. Loved reading what you both are doing for the Lord in His Name!! God bless you both with strength each day as you go forth. Love in Jesus, Helen Kilstrom
